A work with a theme of fate compared to life.
We are born with a string of destiny. We must always balance on this line in our lives. It balances in various situations and relationships, such as home, work, and human relationships, and feels the tension of the whole body so that it does not fall behind on the floor. Our lives and destiny may have been created by God, but it is myself who controls and moves me in the line of destiny.
We are born with a string of destiny. We must always balance on this line in our lives. It balances in various situations and relationships, such as home, work, and human relationships, and feels the tension of the whole body so that it does not fall behind on the floor. Our lives and destiny may have been created by God, but it is myself who controls and moves me in the line of destiny.
인생을 줄에 견주어 운명에 대해 주제를 담은 작품
운명의 줄을 가지고 태어나는 우리. 우리는 살면서 이 줄 위에서 항상 균형을 잡아야 한다. 가정, 일, 인간관계 등 여러 상황과 관계 속에서 밸런스를 맞추고, 실 위에서 낙오 되지 않게끔 온 몸의 긴장을 느끼며 살아간다. 우리의 생명과 운명은 신이 만들었을지 모르지만, 그 운명의 줄에서 나를 통제하고, 움직이게 하는 것은 바로 나 자신이다.